
Thomas Edison's Got Nuthin on The Devil

My life has a lot of things that need to be ironed out. And I have to pull out the problem at it's very root. The ugly six headed blood spouting super-being that is Lies. Lies are the real reason my past few weeks have been going rotten. They're slowly driving all my friends to different continents and they've almost cost me my job. They still might, but I hope not.
It's like in your mind there is an up arrow and a down arrow. The up arrow is scary and looks like you might have to work to keep it up and the down arrow is a lot easier like a chute and will get you there faster. The only problem is it's taking you away from where you wanted to be in the first place.... which was up. And once you've reached rock bottom, it's a helluva hard time working your way all the way to where you were before... let alone going up past it. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it's how I worked it out in my mind.
I lied to my parents and my friends and my employer. But mostly I keep lying to myself, saying that I'm not a liar. Because if you've done it once it's bound to happen again. For everyone I've hurt with my lies, I'm sorry. For real.


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