
Olivia and Her Love: Chapter 3

Now comes the most tender moment yet
The time when our two heroes met
It was a moment they would never forget
It was a time that they would never regret
It was in fact quite quaint
Which most would say
That on this day
That it ain't
Because it was dreary, but dreary days for Olivia was the best time to be outside
Where she laint

And if anyone saw her or if anyone spied
On this day she had started and continued to cry
And on this day of drear, who could bring her cheer?
Except for a charming young man
With a muzzle on his hand
And a face devoid of pried

He gave her a rock shaped like a heart
And said "this is what i received from a lark
Who came to me last night in the dark
and said 'give this to the prettiest girl on the beach'"
And since they were on a beach and Olivia was in fact a girl
This was the perfect thing to say
So they both laid on the beach all day
and on that day, promptly fell in love

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is my favortite chapter...its just so CUTE! lol

June 11, 2008 at 2:10 PM  
Blogger Hadley said...

ya. it's prolly mine too, i've been trying to recreate the magic i had in this one with some of my others. hope it works! thx for commenting btw. helps me know i'm loved!

June 14, 2008 at 1:42 AM  

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